Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The leftist clock...

Sometimes leftists are honest, and the illogically flip-flopping talking points are like clockwork:
War is good for capitalism: How?
it creates money as you destroy (arms companies)
The Middle East must be rich from all that arm company capitalism...
and rebuild (Halliburton).
Saddam loved paying oilfield maintenance bills...
If they were so saintly, why have they never invaded Sudan
Right. Everyone agrees they should have, and cryMRU would be enthusiastically approving THAT military action...
or launched a full scale invasion in Somalia?
With American help, Ethiopia blessedly and justly "launched a full scale invasion in Somalia" against a virulent strain of Islamic tyranny. "Saintly" enough for me...
Why are they friends with countries with such terrible human rights records that happen to have the raw minerals?
I now have to assume cryMRU is now advocating that America cut all diplomatic ties with the third world. That's the only conclusion I can draw from this "question"...
Er... How many times have I highlighted the amount of arguments you have NEVER replied to here?
Er... How many times have I posted a reply to these predictable dumb-ass non-North Korean comments???